We are a global agency working seamlessly across 4 continents

Our Core Team
Pam Hamilton
Managing Director
Alison Darling
Head of Resources
Nicola Waterman
Project Management
Sue Williams
Project Leads
Coral McConnon
Henry Tucker
Patrizia Sorgiovanni
Madhura Krishnaswamy
Thea Roberts
Callen Gerrits
GrĂ¡inne Gilsenan
Claudia Nielsen
Amber D’Albert
Sasha Radford
Wendy Adams
Gemma Brooks
Content and Project Management Team
Rebecca Cameron
Jane Pinfield
Cathy Wood
Alessia Berti
Jenny Cox
Designer and Editors
Richard Evans
Kylie Allen
Mireille Van Reenen
Julie Urbach
James Durkin
Tania Heyes
Project Bridge
Project Bridge, our social purpose initiative, enables us to use our expertise to bring positive change to the cultures and communities where we live and work.
Since 2018, Paraffin has worked with HIVE Portsmouth to develop the Project Bridge workshop method for bringing together multiple stakeholders from local authorities, the voluntary and community sector, cross-party elected members, and local residents to solve complex issues.
The Paraffin team have volunteered over 200 hours to lead co-production workshops that have successfully addressed complex issues such as child exploitation, supporting disabilities, volunteering, sitting services, the reunification of care, personalisation of care, and childhood obesity.